This article focuses on the characteristics and dynamics of Russian-Vietnamese relations, taking into account current global transformations.
This paper examines the prospects of the Mekong River resource development problem in the context of the implementation of the "Belt and Road Initiative".
The given article is dedicated to the position and activity of ASEAN in the Eurasian region
Let $F$ be an infinite division ring, $V$ be a left $F$-vector space, $r>0$ be an integer.
We study the structure of the representation of the linear group $\mathrm{GL}_F(V)$ in the vector space of formal finite linear combinations of $r$-dimensional vector subspaces of $V$ with coefficients in a field.
This gives a series of natural examples of irreducible infinite-dimensional representations of projective
groups. These representations are non-smooth if $F$ is locally compact and non-discrete.
The article analyzes reforms of organizational structure of Russian science in the post-Soviet period. The authors suggest a new model of organizing research groups with the aim to increase international competitiveness of Russian science. The development of possible versions of organization of such groups was based on unfocused interviews with prominent Russian scholars and representatives of Russian-speaking research diaspora. Major principles of functioning of new laboratories are analyzed, including the linkages with host institutions, financial, human resources, and governance aspects, as well as procedures for monitoring and evaluation.
We report on the development of a heterodyne receiver at mid-infrared wavelength for high-resolution spectroscopy applications. The receiver employs a superconducting NbN hot electron bolometer as a mixer and a room temperature distributed feedback quantum cascade laser operating at 10.6 μm (28.2 THz) as a local oscillator. The stabilization of the heterodyne receiver has been achieved using a feedback loop controlling the output power of the laser. Improved Allan variance times as well as a double sideband receiver noise temperature of 5000 K and a noise bandwidth of 2.8 GHz of the receiver system are demonstrated.
Reducing the cost of preparing and auditing IFRS financial statements can be a significant contribution of the finance department to a set of measures to optimize the overhead costs of the company. It is important to find a balance between the desire to reduce costs during a downturn in economic performance and the need to prepare high-quality and timely international reporting. See how to reduce the costs of IFRS without increasing the financial and reputational risks for the company.
In press
This article begins with a brief discussion of the background of the USSR/Russia rapprochement with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/World Trade Organization (GATT/WTO) and some of the acute problems of the negotiation process. It is argued that the Russian Federation has received acceptable, balanced conditions of membership. The advantages gained during the first years of WTO membership are listed, both for the national economy and in the foreign arena. However, it is shown that, 10 years later, the benefits of membership are significantly lower in comparison with initial projections. This gap is attributed to the state of the Russian economy and the extinction of the continuing economic model based on the extraction and export of raw materials. The Russian economy needs real structural reforms and modernization, which would change the structure of exports in favour of finished products and modern services. Only in this case can the benefits of WTO membership increase significantly, justifying the original forecast. The article concludes with a discussion of current challenges in the world economy and trade, the crisis experienced by the WTO, and the active position of the Russian Federation on the future reform of the WTO.
In press
Rene Almeling’s book Sex Cells: The Medical Market for Eggs and Sperm concerns the issues of the gendered framing of the market and the commodification of the human body and its parts. With the rich empirical base of the study, Almeling offers a new way of theorizing bodily commodification, noting the non-commonality of this phenomenon and emphasizing the diversity of market organizational and experienced practices. The detailed and unbiased analysis of market organization and its experience, in which these two aspects are viewed in their interrelationship, promotes a better understanding of what is occurring when bodily products are offered for sale. In addition, Almeling develops Viviana Zelizer’s model for market analysis, adding a biological factor to the economic, structural, and cultural factors. The book teaches us not to forget that the phenomena of the social world are highly complex and multifaceted and, therefore, cannot be explained with the application of simplified analytical schemes. Moreover, Almeling’s study, in which she links together several layers of social reality, is an excellent example of how to deal with this task. The book review acquaints readers with the basic points of the book and sex cells’ market construction in the United States; it also focuses on the issues that require further investigation. The reviewer will try to show the importance of including the biological factor in the theoretical framework for market analyses and its possibilities beyond such a “peripheral” and sensitive subject.
reaction of triphenylcyclopentadienyl potassium with praseodymium and erbium chloride tetrahydrofuranates
gives, depending on the reactant ratio, tetranuclear ate complexes, [{(Ph3C5H2)-
Pr(THF)}2(μ2-Cl)2(μ3-Cl)3K]2(C7H8)4 (I) and [{(Ph3C5H2)Er(THF)}2(μ2-Cl)2(μ3-Cl)3K(THF)]2 (III), or
binuclear ate complexes [(Ph3C5H2)2LnCl(KCl)]2 Ln = Pr (II), Er (IV) (CCDC no. 2224244 (I),
2224243 (II), 2224245 (III), 2224242 (IV)). The structurally similar complexes I and III are based on the
{[Ln2(μ-Cl)3]2(μ-Cl)2K2} core, and in III, the potassium cation is additionally coordinated to the THF molecule.
The isostructural complexes II and IV have the binuclear [Ln(μ-Cl)2K]2 core.
A relation between 1/2-derivations of Lie algebras and transposed Poisson algebras was established. Some non-trivial transposed Poisson algebras with a certain Lie algebra (Witt algebra, algebra W(a,−1), thin Lie algebra and solvable Lie algebra with abelian nilpotent radical) were constructed. In particular, we constructed an example of the transposed Poisson algebra with associative and Lie parts isomorphic to the Laurent polynomials and the Witt algebra. On the other side, it was proven that there are no non-trivial transposed Poisson algebras with Lie algebra part isomorphic to a semisimple finite-dimensional algebra, a simple finite-dimensional superalgebra, the Virasoro algebra, N=1 and N=2 superconformal algebras, or a semisimple finite-dimensional n-Lie algebra.
The author's view on the historical significance of two events of 1961 - the flight of Yuri Gagarin and the testing of a hydrogen bomb - is described in the article.